SA Australia
Acciona currently delivering the Early Constructor Involvement (ECI) contract for SA Water
Thank you for your interest in supporting Acciona as we seek to design the new Eyre Peninsula Desalination Plant at Billy Lights Point, Pt Lincoln, South Australia.
Acciona are currently delivering the Early Constructor Involvement (ECI) contract. As part of this, we are keen to understand the current interest and capabilities of local businesses in Port Lincoln (and surrounding Eyre Peninsula towns) to be engaged as subcontractors in the delivery of the project should we be awarded the Design and Construct contract.
The project will eventually require a variety of resources and materials, and we want to hear from your business if you are interested to join our expression of interest list.
Some of the work packages include services in civil, electrical, fabrication, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, traffic management and much more. To register your interest, please complete the attached Registration of Interest submission.
SA Water Eyre Peninsula Desalination Plant project overview
The Eyre Peninsula Uley South Basin is a prescribed resource under the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for the Southern Basin and Musgrave Prescribed Wells area and provides approximately 77 percent of the drinking water supply to the Eyre Region. The remaining supply is sourced from the River Murray via the Morgan-Whyalla pipeline.
The Uley South Basin is the last remaining major productive groundwater source on the Eyre Peninsula that is suitable for supplying drinking water to the region. It is therefore a critical asset with respect to water security of the Eyre Peninsula.
Historical data shows that freshwater recharge in the Uley South Basin has been very low in years 2013 through 2020. As a result of drought conditions prevailing since the millennium drought and a forecast of dryer conditions moving forward and uncertainty around the salinity profile within the basin, it has been determined that the basin is at risk of irreversible deterioration through increased salinity at current consumption levels.
Should the Uley South Basin become irreversibly damaged, there would be no remaining groundwater source that could sustain a reliable drinking water supply for the majority of the Eyre Peninsula. This has been assessed as being an unacceptable risk to SA Water.
The last SA Water long-term plan for the Eyre Peninsula was published in 2008, which recommended that a new water source is required. A seawater desalination plant located in the lower region of the Eyre Peninsula was identified as the most favourable augmentation option.
The primary drivers for this Project are:
- long term water security for the Eyre Peninsula;
- sustainable environmental water source management and protection of the Uley South Basin; and
The secondary drivers for this Project are:
- to enable economic growth within the Eyre Peninsula; and
- to achieve water quality improvement for the Eyre Peninsula.
- To achieve the project outcomes, SA Water is building a desalination plant on the Eyre Peninsula, with the following scope:
The plant will be located at Billy Lights Point (see figure 1). The desalination plant will be located within the SA Water land, adjacent the ex-BHP sand shed (which is on neighbouring property).
The plant must be designed for a Stage 1 treated water production capacity of 5.3GL/a (or 16 ML/d product water production capacity at 92 per cent availability on an annual basis).
The seawater intake and brine concentrate outfall assets (including pipes, pumps and associated infrastructure) must be sized for the Ultimate product water production capacity of 8GL/a (or 24 ML/d product water production capacity at 92 per cent availability on an annual basis), without impacting Stage 1 operating capacity.
The design shall minimise the need for significant works (e.g. earthworks, augmentation of underground pipework, augmentations to product tank(s), changes to existing civil assets (buildings, roads)) to augment the capacity from Stage 1 to Ultimate capacity (augmentation to Ultimate capacity may be subject to a separate procurement process at a later date and is not included in this Project).
The marine saline concentrate outfall structure and pipeline must be designed to achieve a minimum dilution of 40:1 at the seabed, or as otherwise agreed with the EPA and SA Water, for the full range of operating/environmental conditions and flows under both Stage 1 and Ultimate flow conditions.
A transfer pump station must be designed to accommodate both Stage 1 and Ultimate capacities. The pump station will be located adjacent the desalination plant. The transfer pump station will be designed to facilitate water transfer to existing North Side Hill tanks, via a DN600 MSCL pipeline, along approximate alignment indicated in Figure 2.
Design and Construction of the transfer pipeline is excluded from this engagement and will be undertaken by others.
Express interest to be kept updated for any opportunities that may arise for this project.
Note: You can fill out an Expression of Interest form exclusively on a computer or laptop device.